Praise the Lord Jesus! Today is my birthday! I'm so blessed! I received a lot of precious gift from my lovely hubby, my lovely colleague and my lovely friends & also birthday greetings from my ex-boss Andy Low.
Thanks! Ms Kim. I very like it.. I also will use it..
Did you know what is the word inside the paper.. Let me read it for you haahahaha...
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16)
Hemmm... Nice verse...
This precision moment also giving by Miss Kim!!!! Kim Arigato gozaimasu... hehehehehe..
This is magnetic name pad.. It's giving by my coursemate Chai Ping.. Thanks! Chai Ping, I very like it.. because it's my name.. then still got meaning.. can't see it rite.. Nvm... I write for you to see it. .. Hahahahaha...
Origin: Greek Meaning: Pearl
Characteristics: Suggest a lady who is smart, quiet, independent and hardworking...
Hahahaha.. Everyone is laughing of the characteristic and saying that not accurate... But, I find that it's very accurate depend how you apply of it.. Smart to looking for good food.. Eating time is a quiet time, Independent how to searching for food.. and very hardworking to look for the delicious food.. Yummy!!!
This is the precious moments from my lovely hubby.. It's represent me and him... hehehehe...
My lovely puppy wesley... He so happy!!! because all this food he have it now...
My new mp3...Yeah!!!
Wesley can't wait anymore.. he want to eat all the snack... did you know who buy for him????
This all puppy food and items... It's bought from my colleague.. It's for my present.. Their all know that I very love my puppy wesley.. so their buy all the puppy food and items for me.. hemm.. Thanks! Audrey, Irene, Kristen, Mark and Twains... I like it... and my wesley also very love it!!! :P